Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

How to Make Love to an Aries Man

Sumber gambar: funnycrave
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Artikel asli bisa dibaca disini
The Man of Aries
The man of Aries is very set in his ways. He likes everything to go the way he has planned, which is why he customizes everything he owns. The same goes for love. While an adventurer, the Aries male is a bit on the macho side, wanting to take control of love and ignoring the fine points of seduction.Do Not Try To Make Him Jealous

When you want to grab the attention of the Aries male, do not try to make him jealous. Those types of tricks will only scare him away and you'll end up alone. Remember, Aries wants to feel like he's in control, so playing hard to get is the best way to get him into bed.
Two Sides of the Coin
The men of Aries have proven time and time again how jealous and possessive they are. They also have problems trusting their love interests. This means that the second you don't give him your undivided attention, he will try to get as far away from you as he can. On the other hand, he will want you to trust him blindly, and will make every effort to get you to trust him.
Two Sides of the Coin
The men of Aries have proven time and time again how jealous and possessive they are. They also have problems trusting their love interests. This means that the second you don't give him your undivided attention, he will try to get as far away from you as he can. On the other hand, he will want you to trust him blindly, and will make every effort to get you to trust him.
Black and White
The romantic and sexual side of the man of Aries is of a dual nature. Everything, including his relationships, are either black or white, and he won't stand for any shades of gray.
Taking the Initiative
The man of Aries will always want to take the initiative. Because of his extremely masculine and somewhat macho side, he will shy away from strong women who like to initiate seduction. He wants to be "The One and Only". He will try to overpower you and compete with you. Sometimes, Aries will even enjoy an argument instead of foreplay.
Keeping Him Interested
Because of his fiery nature, the man of Aries needs a very active sex life. Keep him interested and coming back for more by learning new sexual games, buying new toys, and even letting him be a little rough. Remember, the best thing for you to keep him interested is for him to see you as a challenge. The moment you stop challenging him, he will give up and leave.
A Whole New World
One thing that you can be sure of with Aries is that your life will never lack emotion. For every argument, for every chest-beating, Neanderthal-like attitude, you will have the hottest sex you will ever experience. Making love with Aries is a completely different experience, and one you will find difficult to replace.
Always On Top
Because of their controlling nature, Aries men will always want to take the position of power. This means that, unless he asks you for something different, he will always want the top position when making love. He will dominate you and be very spontaneous, at times, even more than you would expect. This comes as second nature to him, and if he finds out about a new position he's never tried before, be certain that he will want to experiment with you that same night.
Never Bore Him
When seducing an Aries, don't ever bore him. This will make him turn away from you so fast, you will not know what happened. Always let him see you as a challenge. He loves the thrill of the hunt. You can be rude, and blunt, and he will come back for more, but if you become boring, the challenge will have ended and there's no way to get it back.

Masalahnya, klo dua-duanya Aries gimana dong? :P


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